Peace Lecture took a very practical approach.  The speaker sited a number of real life examples of human communities in the North, border villages and the South during the war and post war.  His personal experiences and threat to life was also shared at the lecture.

He further stressed in his lecture that it is the duty of every person to take care and stand for his or her own rights.  It is also the responsibility and accountability of every person to stand for the rights of the others.

At the end of the lecture, concerns clarifications, and questions were raised, as to what the Church does or the Churches mission in relation to this topic,  is it adequate or not?

Everything in our society is politically motivated, is this a healthy situation to promote human rights and duties? etc.

It was pointed out that the issues of the Plantation community was not dealt at the Peace Lecture.

Interaction also took place to discover what could be done at the regional level.  It was said already NCCSL, SED Galle and many other organizations have taken various initiatives and we need to appreciate them.  We must not duplicate our initiatives but complement.

Try to strengthen the network in the region.

Peace Lecture was concluded with a fellowship Lunch for the participant hosted by the Reconciliation Peace Desk of the Diocese of Colombo in collaboration with the Board of Mission.



Date    :           4th September, 2015

Theme :           Coexistence in Communities and Human duties and Rights

Speaker:         Ruki Fernando – Human Rights Activist

Moderator:      Rev. Sanath Kumara Madaganoda – Diocese of Kurunegala

Number of Participants:   29

Nature of Participants:             Clergy and lay persons from the Area Deanery of Galle. Pastors and ministers from NCC Churches, Salvation Army and newer Churches.


bishop of colombo rt revd dushantha rodrigo

The Samaritan Pledge

Thelivu - Newspaper
The Ceylon Churchman