
  • To promote thrift among the members
  • To grant loans and other forms of financial assistance to members
  • To assist members to purchase their requirements at a favourable price by setting up a consumer service.
  • To organise activities aimed at promoting spiritual, educational and cultural needs of the members.



Every permanent employee attached to the Bishop’s office, the Diocesan office, Cathedral office, Garden staff, Library staff, Board of Christian Education, The Church of Ceylon Youth Movement, Cathedral Institute for Education and Formation, Reconciliation and Peace Desk, Board of Social Responsibilities and the Board of Mission and any Board, Committee, Formation, Institution etc established in the future under Church of Ceylon the Diocese of Colombo is eligible to be a member of the society. 

Fund raising is done by several ways.

For the staff Christmas celebration 2016 we had an outreach programme with the Dumbara No: 2 Tamil Vidyalaya in Ingiriya. This programme brought a smile on the children’s faces in this school, giving them much fun and laughter during the time of “Christmas cheer”. The members organised this event at the expense of sacrificing their Christmas Get – together, in order to show love and care, and to bring the message of Christmas to the less fortunate children.



Christmas Outreach Program 2017

Christmas Outreach Program 2016

bishop of colombo rt revd dushantha rodrigo

The Samaritan Pledge

Thelivu - Newspaper
The Ceylon Churchman