Christians around the world are signing up to take part in a 24-hour global wave of prayer on the Anglican Communion Day of Prayer, on the 30th of November and most of the provinces in the Anglican Communion have already pledged to join, while many more are expected to join.

The event is being co-ordinated by the mission agency, USPG, and has the support of the Anglican Communion office and several Anglican agencies around the world.

‘We believe this is the first global day of prayer of its kind and are very excited about the response we are receiving from around the world.

The Day of Prayer was inspired by the Church’s response to Covid-19.

‘Our virtual gathering will take place over 24 consecutive hours,’ said Rev’d Davidson. ‘We will divide them into half-hour time slots each of which will be led by one of the Anglican provinces or extra-provincial churches or churches in full communion with the Anglican Communion. This means people will be able to join online prayer wherever they are in the world at whatever time suits them. They can pray for their part of the world or somewhere else. They can join in for as long as they wish. It is
going to be unique and purposeful.


Zoom Link & Details

Date & Time : 20th October, 2021 - 04.30PM (Sri Lankan Time) [12.00PM British Standard Time]


Click here to read the full article >>



bishop of colombo rt revd dushantha rodrigo


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