The English Sub Co was able to able to organize a funfilled program for the English Speaking Youths on the theme of 'Trust and Relationship' on the 14th of June at The Cathedral of Christ the Living Saviour.
At the program there were youths from 8-10 churches who participated, bringing a total of 45 - 50 youths and the message was shared by Chathurika Fernando.
It was an enjoyable day for the youths and here are a few captures from the program.


ඉංග්‍රීසි බසින් කටයුතු සිදු කරන තරුණ තරුණියන් සඳහා 'විශ්වාසය සහ සබඳතාව' යන තේමාව යටතේ විනෝදාත්මක වැඩසටහනක් ජූනි මස 14 වන දින බෞද්ධාලෝක මාවතේ, ජීවමාන විමුක්ති දායක කිතු සමිදුන්ගේ ආසන දෙව් මැදුරු පරිශ්‍රයෙහිදී සංවිධානය කිරීමට ඉංග්‍රීසි අනු කමිටුවට හැකි විය.
වැඩසටහනට දේවස්ථාන 8-10 ක තරුණ තරුණියන් 45 - 50 අතර ප්‍රමාණයක් සහභාගි වූ අතර මෙනෙහිකිරීම චතුරිකා ප්‍රනාන්දු මහත්මිය විසින් සිදු කරන ලදි.
මෙදින තරුණ තරුණියන්ට ප්‍රියජනක දිනයක් වූ අතර මේ එම වැඩසටහනේ ඡායාරූප කිහිපයක්.


ஆங்கில உப குழுவானது 14ம் திகதி ஜூன் மாதம் ஆங்கிலம் பேசும் வாலிபர்களுக்காக 'நம்பிக்கையும் உறவும்' என்ற கருப்பொருளில் நிகழ்வொன்றை வாழும் மீட்பர் பேராலயத்தில் ஒழுங்கு செய்திருந்தது.
இந்நிகழ்வில் 8 - 10 ஆலயங்களிலிருந்து 45-50 வாலிபர்கள் கலந்துக்கொண்டனர். தேவ செய்தியை சத்துரிகா பெர்னாண்டோ அவர்கள் பகிர்ந்துக்கொண்டார்.
அந்நாள் வாலிபர்களுக்கு மகிழ்ச்சி நிறைந்த நாளாக அமைந்தது. அதில் சில பதிவுகள்



'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee
'Trust and Relationship' ...
'Trust and Relationship' - A funfilled program by the CCYM English Sub Committee

bishop of colombo rt revd dushantha rodrigo


Daily Bible Verses

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