
Begun in the year 1997, the Estate Community Development Mission (also known as the ECDM) serves mainly in the tea estate plantation community in Sri Lanka irrespective of religion, caste and ethnic differences. Its mandate being to empower and uplift the communities in the estate areas by addressing and prioritizing in the education and nutritional needs of the children, and also by providing for and advocating in the communal needs of the people.


Our belief

The tea estate plantation community continues to play a very vital role in the economy of the country. The history of the Indian origin tea estate plantation community is tainted with false promises, pain, shame and oppression. Ex: Elections and changes, promises, etc. They are isolated in the decision making process of development. They need to be strengthened through empowerment for positive transformation which is what we aim at providing.


Our Vision

To empower the tea estate plantation communities towards the ‘Right to Development’ (RTD) with the objective of constant improvement of the wellbeing of the entire population and of all individuals, on the basis of their active, free and meaningful participation in development and in the distribution of the resulting benefits.


Aims and Objectives

  • To journey with tea plantation communities to inherit the fullness of life (Based on John 10:10)
  • Assist children in social, economic, physical, spiritual sphere of life.
  • Seek transformation through advocacy, awareness and networking components.
  • Inner transformation through Christian witnessing.



  • To empower the tea plantation communities towards the right to development.
  • The Estate Community development Mission works with two partners; The United Society Partners in the Gospel (USPG) and Compassion International Lanka (CIL) which works in partnership with the local Churches.



  • USPG funded educational projects that address the educational problems in the plantation community by sponsoring preschools, non-formal education classes (free tuition classes) Scholarship and O/L seminars, University Students Study Fund…Etc.
  • Programmes of CIL have the objectives to release the children from poverty and develop children and youth in physical, cognitive, spiritual and socio emotional areas.


Project Areas

Deaneries of Uva, Up Country and Sabaragamuwa

bishop of colombo rt revd dushantha rodrigo

The Samaritan Pledge

Thelivu - Newspaper
The Ceylon Churchman